Corteiz and TWZ: The Underground Labels Taking Over the Fashion World

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Esplora la collezione Corteiz nel Negozio Ufficiale tute, felpe e cargo di qualità superiore Stile e comfort per ogni occasione Acquista ora

In recent years, streetwear has grown from a subculture to a dominant force in global fashion. At the forefront of this transformation are two underground labels: Corteiz (CRTZ) and TWZ (Trapstar Worldwide). What started as niche brands in the gritty streets of London has now turned into a global fashion phenomenon. Both CRTZ and TWZ are known for their authentic approaches to streetwear, unapologetically rebellious spirit, and their ability to connect with a younger, more diverse audience.

The Origins of Corteiz: Rebellion and Exclusivity

Corteiz, or CRTZ, was founded by Clint419, a designer from West London. His vision for CRTZ was rooted in the rejection of mainstream fashion and a commitment to offering something completely unique. The brand first started in 2017 and quickly gained traction thanks to its secretive, underground marketing techniques and its focus on exclusivity. CRTZ became known for its limited product drops, which were often available only through password-protected websites or exclusive pop-up events.

The brand’s iconic Alcatraz logo, symbolizing rebellion and defiance, perfectly captures the ethos of CRTZ. For Clint, fashion wasn’t about following trends; it was about breaking free from them. In interviews, Clint has explained that he wanted to create something that could not be easily replicated or mass-produced. This approach has earned CRTZ a cult following, where fans feel like they are part of something special and underground, far removed from the commercialized world of mainstream streetwear.

CRTZ’s early success can be attributed to its grassroots marketing strategy. Unlike many brands that rely on celebrity endorsements and paid advertising, CRTZ built its following through social media, word of mouth, and exclusive events. This approach gave the brand an air of mystery and created a sense of urgency around each product release. When the brand held events like "Da Great Bollo Exchange," where fans could swap their designer jackets for Corteiz pieces, it helped solidify its reputation as a brand for those in the know. This sense of exclusivity, combined with CRTZ’s high-quality, street-inspired designs, made it one of the most sought-after brands in modern streetwear.

TWZ: From Streetwear to Global Fashion Icon

Trapstar Worldwide (TWZ) has a similar underground origin story but has taken a slightly different path to global recognition. Founded in 2005 by Mikey, Lee, and Will,  corteiz cargos TWZ began as a bedroom project, with the founders printing t-shirts and selling them to friends and local customers. Like CRTZ, TWZ was rooted in the culture of London’s streets, drawing inspiration from the city’s grime music scene, hip-hop, and urban life.

From the start, TWZ positioned itself as more than just a fashion brand—it was a lifestyle. The founders wanted TWZ to be a reflection of their experiences growing up in London and their desire to create something real, raw, and authentic. The brand’s early designs, which often featured bold graphics, military-inspired elements, and dark color palettes, resonated with young people who were tired of the polished, commercialized look of high fashion.

One of the key turning points for TWZ was its association with the UK grime scene. Early support from influential artists like Skepta, Stormzy, and A$AP Rocky helped boost TWZ’s visibility and credibility. These collaborations weren’t just about putting clothes on celebrities; they were about forming genuine connections with artists who shared the same values and aesthetic. This authenticity helped TWZ build a loyal fan base, not only in the UK but around the world.

TWZ’s rise to prominence also involved strategic collaborations with established brands like Puma. These partnerships allowed TWZ to reach a wider audience while staying true to its streetwear roots. TWZ’s ability to navigate the fine line between underground cool and mainstream success is one of the reasons it has become one of the most respected labels in the fashion world.

The Power of Collaboration in Streetwear

Both CRTZ and TWZ have used collaborations as a key strategy to grow their brands while maintaining their underground appeal. In the world of streetwear, collaborations between designers, artists, and even other brands have become increasingly important. For CRTZ, its 2021 collaboration with Nike was a major milestone. This partnership, which resulted in the release of several limited-edition Air Max 95 sneakers, helped bring CRTZ to a global audience while retaining its underground credibility. The collaboration wasn’t just about selling shoes; it was about creating a cultural moment. Fans of CRTZ lined up for hours to get their hands on the sneakers, and the release sold out within minutes.

TWZ has also been successful in leveraging collaborations to grow its brand. One of its most notable partnerships was with Puma, where the two brands worked together on a collection that combined TWZ’s street-inspired designs with Puma’s sportswear expertise. The collaboration was a huge success and helped TWZ further establish itself as a major player in the streetwear scene. By partnering with established brands, both CRTZ and TWZ have been able to reach new audiences without compromising their core values.

Redefining Streetwear Culture

At their core, both CRTZ and TWZ represent a shift in streetwear culture. In the past, streetwear was seen as an outsider movement, something separate from the world of high fashion. But in recent years, brands like CRTZ and TWZ have blurred the lines between streetwear and luxury fashion, showing that the two can coexist and even thrive together. This blending of cultures has been a defining characteristic of modern streetwear, with CRTZ and TWZ at the forefront of this movement.

What sets CRTZ and TWZ apart from other brands is their commitment to authenticity. Both brands have stayed true to their roots, even as they’ve grown into global fashion icons. They haven’t abandoned their underground, DIY origins in favor of mass appeal. Instead, they’ve found ways to grow while maintaining the raw, rebellious spirit that made them successful in the first place.

For many young people, CRTZ and TWZ represent more than just clothing brands. They represent a way of life, a way of expressing individuality and rebellion against the status quo. Both brands have cultivated strong communities of followers who are passionate about what they stand for. This sense of community, combined with their innovative designs and unique marketing strategies, has made CRTZ and TWZ two of the most influential brands in fashion today.

The Future of CRTZ and TWZ

As streetwear continues to evolve,  CRTZ and TWZ are poised to play a leading role in shaping the future of the industry. Both brands have proven that they can navigate the complex world of fashion while staying true to their underground roots. Whether through new collaborations, exclusive product drops, or innovative marketing campaigns, CRTZ and TWZ will continue to push the boundaries of what streetwear can be.

The future looks bright for these two underground labels as they continue to redefine streetwear on their own terms. In an industry that is constantly changing, CRTZ and TWZ have shown that authenticity, creativity, and a commitment to one’s values are the keys to long-term success. As they continue to grow, one thing is certain: CRTZ and TWZ are not just taking over the fashion world—they’re changing it.
